Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)

PAGE FOUK DUNKIRK (N.T.) EVENING- OBSERVER, TTJESPAT, JANUARY 2, Lake Shore National Bank DUNKIRK, NEW YORK CONDENSED STATEMENT of CONDITION December 30, 1939 RESOURCES Cash on Hand and in Banks 583,673.03 U. S. Government Bonds 1,344,921.53 State, Municipal and Other 1,336,097.17 Loans and Discounts 392,215.01 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures and Other Real Estate 108,198.54 Other Assets 22,579.50 $3,787,684.78 LIABILITIES Capital, Preferred Class A $100,000.00 Common 125,000.00 Surplus, Undivided Profits and Reserves 1.32,266.81 Total Capital Account 407,266.81 DEPOSITS 3,380,051.91 Other Liabilities 366.06 $3,787,684.78 Member Federal Depoiit Iniurance Corporation THE WEATHER Date; Tuesday. Jan. 2.

Condition: The temperature range durins the last 24 hours was between 15 and 22 decrees. Wind velocity during last hours, in mlJes per hour: Maximum. 2fl at 4:30 a. m. Minimum, 15 at 8 a.

m. Sun today at 4:55 p. tomorrow at 7:50 a. m. All data furnished by govern- ment observers at (he Dunkirk-; Frcdonla airport.

Forecast: Snow flurries this afternoon and tonight; Wednesday generally fair and continued cold. Dalton B. Burgett Arrttts Frtdonia Youth Following Accident Sunday. President--Will Meet Second and Fourth Tuesdays. CITY and VICINITY --Child's snow shovel 25c.

Service Hardware E. 4th St. --Window glass aud putty. Service Hdwe. E.

4th St --Terry cloth socks in again Sideys, 25c, 9 colors. Special meeting: Board of Wa- January 1, ter Commissioners, 1340. 2:15 p. m. Present: Commissioners Rosing, Pfisterer and Godfrey.

Purpose: Meeting for organization. By Commissioner Pfisterer RESOLVED, that Commissioner i Frederick Rosing be elected pres- I ident of the Board of Water missioners for the term commencing January 1, 1940 and ending long only Sl.OO. Service ware E. 4th St. --Schick, Shavemaster and Packard electric razors.

Service Hardware, 4th St. i --A JO inches; December 31, 1941, and until his a 1 UCcessor 1S elected a qualified in accordance with the provisions of the charter. Carried. By Commissioner W. A.

Godfrey RESOLVED, that Commissioner C. W. Pfisterer be elected secretary of the Board of Water Com'. missioners for the term commen- cing January 1, J940 and ending December 31, 1941, and until his successor is elected and qualified in accordance with the provisions shovels priced at 75c, Service Hardware i Most automobile know that complete automobile insurance it neceuary for their safety from financial loss. Don't wait until an accident has happened and wish then that YOU had insurance! KAISER OUTS Co.

425 Central Phone 3457 Dunkirk, N. Y. --Snow and Sl.OO. E. 4th St, For rent, heated rooms, comfortable beds, garage.

161 E. Main Fredonia. --Closing out 20 Chow and skingese pups cheap. Mandarin Kennels, Rt. 2, Erie, Pa.

Knights of Columbus will hold meeting in their clubrooms at 3:30 --Liberal allowance for your old stove on a New Estate Coal The alertncM of Deputy Sheriff jDalton B. Burgett Sunday night 'led to the arrest of a hit and-run driver in Dunkirk. Glancing from; a window of his residence in West Fifth street, Burgett noticed a car with tront bumper dragging, speeding west in West Fifth street. Rushing'to his own automobile, the deputy sheriff gave chase and in Willow road stopped the machine which was fading driven by Harold Fuller, 19, of 20 Hamlet street, r're- donia. After questioning by Burgett, the youth admitted he had a car in Lake Shore Drive, near Washington avenue and had! left the scene of the accident with- 1 out making his identity The other automobile involved in i the crash was owned by Dr.

H. Williams of Clymer, who go- ing east. Fuller was travelling i west: i At police headquarters 'Fuller i was charged with reckless driving i and leaving the scene of an acci- i dent without making himsellj known. He pleaded guilty to the i two counts in city court today. I of Dunkirken Slow Up In Conj tributioni for Aid to War- struck Pint.

Dunkirk's contributions to the Finnish civil relief fund remained unchanged today, stuck at the $58 total recorded Saturday. shall engineer for all boards and departments of the City of or now therefore be it i Dil Heatrola Service Hardware that hereafter E. 4th St. when the services of a civil.en- --For sale. One automatic Jan- gineer are required by this-board! gas burner with thermostat, or any employe of this board, the i Phone 2169.

city engineer be requested to give! --Hardwood: beech and maple, such -advice or prepare such plans, S3.00 per cord. Phone 2258 "Burns I tracings or specifications, as may Coal Burns." be required; and in event of any ex-1 buys a used erl engineering advice being re! lion range at the Service Hard-' ware E. 4th St. I --Homespuns 50-inch wide, cross stripe for doors or windows, J89c a yd. at Sideys.

--For sale, beautiful 10 room home near park. Will sell at half cost price if sold at once. Address Judge Anthony Johnson order-) r- ec Fuller's operator's license re- 1 W. A. Godfrey voked and i mposed a sente nce of bection la, Article jsix mont hs in Monroe county i penitentiary, the jail sentence to as he be suspended if he pays $128.80 for damage to Dr.

Williams' AODIIIONALDEPUTY be requested to act in cooperation iwith this board of water commissioners, in compliance with his duties as set forth in the city charter. Carried. By Commissioner C. W. Pfister- er RESOLVED, that the meetings iof the Board of Water Commis- Mayville, Jan.

2--Appointment of additional deputy sneriffs was mounced today by Sheriff' Roy Chadwick. The latest designations are: Len C. Peterson, Town of A howling blizzard gave Dun- --See our neatly printed wed- Tuesday of each month. Carried, ding stationery. Dunkirk Printing By'Commissioner C.

W. Pfister- Co. GadJt PINE CONE GOOD QUALITY TOMATOES 4 2 TM25c BUTTER OAK HILL LAKEVIEW BULK ELBO VELVEETA And KRAFTS CHEESE MARSH SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 5 CELERY HEARTS 2 bunc M5c of Soviet air raids and artillery fire. There was a great difference, Hosiery. however.

The people of Dunkirk were warm and well fed while many in Finland wander cold and hungry, praying that their brave little army can continue to withstand the assaults of fresh Red troops. Throughout the United States. 1.200 co-operatinjt newspapers Observer. --Skates and shoes, sleds and sioners i cha ta "qua, 13 Elm street, May- Service Hardware 4th fi ce 425 Central avenue at vi ip. m.

on the second and fourth i Robert D. Edwards, Town of. Chautauqua, Erie street, Mayville. Seth C. Johnson, city of Dunkirk; 67 West Fourth street, Dun- jkirk.

Paul Ricotta, city of Dunkirk, 45 West Green street, Dunkirk. Charles Agnew, city of Dunkirk, 204 Deer street, Fred'E. Weber, city of Jamestown, 37 Hallock street, Jamestown: Gerald D. Williams, city- of kirkers a mild taste of the weather --Discontinued models Estate' RESOLVED, that W. O.

Peck be in which beleaguered Finns face! Oil Heatrolas at a big saving. aPPTM nte su Pei-intendent of the death and hunger as the aftermath r. Service Hardware 4th St I Board of Water Commissioners at -Silk Hosiery advancing a lary of S325 per monlh Car Better stock: up on Mend" Commissioner A Godfrey 4 I 1 UL deys 102 RESOLVED, that H. H. Dickin--All the latest hits in ic tori be appointed assistant secre- and records.

Service tary of the Board of Water Com- Hafdware E. 4th St missioners at a salary of $250 per making the same anneal for ad-1 homespun for doors ditional funds to aid the war suf-i 8 9 a at Sideys. --Oak, hardwood floors --com-! month. Carried, pletely furnished--laid and fin-! By Commissioner W. Pfister- Bums: er RESOLVED, that W.

R. Wirtner wide, be employed in the same capacity or drapes, as heretofore and be vested with ishcd. Ask us for prices Coal Burns" Phone 2258. --Cross striped 50 inch the power of acting assistant sec! fercrs with food and clothing. --Wishing all our patrons a retary during the absence of the Contributions, small and larse.i Happy and Prosperous New Year, i assistant secretary.

Carried. Wallin Cnrlson, better cleancrs. 122 E. 4th St. i may be sent to the OBSERVER office and will be forwarded to the national headquartcri.

'DEAO AFTER ILLNESS By Commissioner W. Piister- --Skates that can be attached to your own shoes with screws, a real ES that the president TUESDAY Baked Ham Loaf Scalloped Potatoes Bread, and Butter Asparagus WEDNESDAY Boast Veal Mashed Potatoes and. Butter Sliced Tomatoes Gravj" Mint Jelly THURSDAY Virginia Baked Ham Candied Sweets Bread aud Butter Carrots FRIDAY Creamed Tuna Fish Patty Shells. Mashed Potatoes Rolls and Butter Fruit Salad SATURDAY Roast Pork Mashed Potatoes, Bread and Butter String Beans A Year of Good Vision A Happy New Year to you and your eyes. We that year 1940 will bring you 3M dayg of good vision with eyes that net clearly and comfortably, unimpeded and unhandicapped.

It is our privilege eyes of this bring joy, happiness and ficiency to defective eyes through the latest developments 'science. Dr. Glenn Rv 332 CENTRAL AVWTU1 HfltO CODS? UNHMVfM Gives you die wacntit of tut not the itch. PHONE 24-91 MAIN ExTHIRD 5T5 LEVY'S Reliable Clothiers 75th Year 1864-1939 34 Bast Fourth StrtM Dimkirk, N. Jamestown, 64 Barrett avenue, Jamestown.

Homer L. Danielson, city of Jamestown, 332 Forest avenue, Jamestown. Ernest M. Pratt, town of Mina. R.

F. D. 1. Sherman. Millard M.

Wilson, town of Harmony, Niobe. Merle A. Campaign, town of Ripley, R. F. O.

3, Ripley. Lynn F. Park, town of Sherman. Sherman. Dalton B.

Burgett. city of Dun- kirk. 437 Swan street, Dunkirk. Dunkirk Building Succumbed At Ruidtnct Sunday. Ernest F.

Richardson, building contractor in Dunkirk for many secretary be and thcv buy al 25c a pair, 'service' Hard- 1 her6by a th ri zed and directed to. ware Co 4th St SIgn wa rnmt for the regular semi-Meat Binder with half horse- i moSb oTM? SHOUlLDE KS tJP, power motor complete, for sale en tation of same with the pay roll SHOULDERS cheap. Dunkirk Auto Wrecking certify to esup rinten Boston (UP)-Statistics gath- weather special" in: CommSioner W. A. Godfrey Chl ld nteS RESOLVED, that the employees weather special" (Dorothy Gray Winter Lotion Contractor 1 doublc the usual S1 in; at; --Priced for quick sale a good used Coal Estate Heatrola.

Service Hardware E. 4th St. 'ea co*ke--An fuel for heaters and Rang- ered at a child showed that most carry their Wt shoulders higher thsn their of the electric line department, al- right. The boys did just the ODDO- sn the water and electric meter it readers, firemen and coal passers be paid on an hourly basis, all over-time to be paid for at time- econ-, and-one-half. Carried.

By Commissioner W. A. Godfrey that the president had been ill with pcnumonia for a i week Beware Coughs from comrnoi colds That Hang On promptly Interment of MR. FRANK SZYNSK1 Funeral icrviccs for Mr. Prank Szyroki were hdd Sal, arday morninf witb brief prayer services at John A.

Mac- kowiAk Funeral Home, 270 Lake Shore Drive. at 8:15 and 9 o'dccfc at St. Hyacinths Church where Rev. Father Michcl Helminiak celebrated mass. The casket bearers -were Henry Sxyaski, Marion Jiwonki; Pawl Jaworski, Eufeae Szymkt John Shcedy.

Konnan Srjnski. followed in the family plot in ft, cinlh's Cemetery, Mr, and Mn. Anthony Szynski of Detroit. Mr. Michael Szynski of Buffalo attended the JOH3f MACKOWIAK f*ckERAL SEIV1CI --A few good buys in RCA Vic- i hereby authorized and directed to tor Radios.

Serx-ice Hardware i warrant for the reimburse- Mr. Richardson, who was Co th St, of the assistant secretary's i 0 to in Tioncsla. would have been I -Prompt deliveries on our Prc- Pfelty fund Presentatwn to 78 years old had lived until today, mium Quality Fuel--Phone 2258 i for sa He had resided in this citr the last 35 years. for "Burns Coal Burns" vice. the Methodist --Used genuine Estate HcalroJa He attended church and was a member of for sale.

Service Hardware Co Irondcquoit lodge No. 301 F. and2. 4th St and of Olyinpia of! cn with receipts cood cov the various items shown until change in rules and regulations. Carried.

By Commissioner C. W. Pfisterer RESOLVED, that the rules trouble to IOOMD incnue accretion and tld oatun to tuid tmw, loader. Inflamed bronchial mucous No matter hoinnwu raedidnw jou Hard Soft Cod co*ke Coal DESMOND'S Lake Shore Drive East Phone 2195 Odd Fellows. Surviving arc his widow.

Mrs. Susan C. Richardson, and brother, Dana Richardson of Buffalo. 114 --Still St. for CREOMULSIONI rent THREE TRUCKS CRASH IN LAKE SHORE DRIVE, OPERATORS ARE UNHURT, Hard by i StTS Supply Co.

i the rules Jo govern proceed- i ings of the Board of Water Com-- reasonable. missioners during the term. Car- bungalow at 276 Walcr street. Frc- "ed. donia, all convcrJcnccs.

Inquire RESOLVED, that the "Dunkirk 2.8 street Evening Observer." published in --Warns your home wilh a gen- Dunkirk. If. Y-, a news- nine Eslaic Heatrola. Service printed jn the English Jan- and having been published Timely Buys in Better Valne USED CARS Three jnumry by Uac A'oas- car torch wlialc 3U driver attend but jj'ny By W. A.

Godficy that the oly 5neas- be requested lo iaabrail prior the board wit the whirling snow. driver ttc John A. Stapf 0 Son The van. Sewitds ilaitT another iwrcd taA of the snow. Mention the OBSERVER Ads When Shopping all JliOT, No one three iruclw; tkiTnaecd, cawd arwcallrtsd.

The blocked the slrael Sot jtcunc lime bcftttf SECRETARY. XOT1CE at The 225. C4-ntol Avc. at the close ppeocdjng month. Carried, IX Commissioner Godfrey Olyrnpia i the meeting ot jc- Carried.

Adjouinwl H. H. DICKINSON. Assistant Sccrclsry. Jewelers fw an ccxntAL --Dmklrk, ATIL.

Extra Clwrct for CrciH 1TOUTS BBTOME 3IEXACE OX CANADIAN RANCHES serious menace ta iX --amiy cowtxy jn Ihc west side iV JS-JS Kojtcr. calOcmait. 3.OT9 ft. com SJ055ayt ii worUrr and 1937 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOB SEDAN-With Heater, Spotless Inside and Oat liS7 TOED VS TUDOR- With Trunk and Heater FOKD V8 TUDOR-- Hotwater Heattr, New Rings, Very Clean. 1937 FORD VS TUDOE--With Trunk, DeLnx With Side Tires.

Radio, Heater, Original Tfaorae Browa Finish 1933 FORD TUDOR, 4 Cylinders-flood Tirti Heater CHEVROLET COACH-Clean AH Aroaiid( flood Every Day Trantpomtion 1932 FORD VS TRUCK, 157 in. Katfonn Body Cai Has Been Hewly Refinisljed in GreEn--A Bargain at LEHORTKfBROTHERS Ford Mercury Lincoln Zephyr 811 Central M351 W55J ml JI15J 12 foot J145 i i i ai i central Arenu. Dunkirk, N. Y. Mention the OBSERVER Shopping.

Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.