Great Earthquakes and Tsunamis (3) - David Eells - UBBS 2.28.2024 | UBM Unleavened Bread Ministries (2024)

Great Earthquakes & Tsunamis (3)

David Eells


Judgement On TheHouse OfGod

Ms. Sophie May 28, 2018 (David’s notes in red)

My daughter, Mychild, write these words down for me.

The time has come now for judgment on the House of God. As I sit on My heavenly throne and look downI see all the things being done in secret. You men on pulpits and stages, you call yourselves Pastors and Preachersyet I did NOT send you. Some of you have even read warningsI have given yet you have not turned from your ways. Mammon is what you refuse to give up for truth. You comfort your followers with a false gospel, compromising My Word and fleece the flock. YOU ARE NO SHEPHERDS BUT FOOLS!!! Do you think I do not know what is said and done in secret? Do you think I cannot strip you naked and take away all your prosperity with just one whisper?

It is time now for Me to visit with each one of you in ways that will put fear into your hearts. I will drop you to your knees to repent before Me. If you refuse and continue to rebel, you will burn with all those before you that fleeced My flock, stole from Me, sold waresand used My house as a marketplace. Youlukewarm, mammon loving wolves have lived deliciously over the years as My poor gotpoorer, as the orphan received no help from you, as the homeless was forgotten. Instead, you bought fancy homes, cars, taking care of yourselves and your family while the stranger visited your den and gave their last dime to you.

My house was to be a house of prayer, NOT a house of entertainment, selling books, CD’s, trinkets. WOLVES, you are NOT Mine!!! You work for your father, the devil, the master of lies. You are the Pharisees of the modern era teaching doctrines of devils, imparting spirits from the underworld into My children, telling them it is MY Holy Spirit. LIARS, THIEVES, ADULTERERS IS ALL YOU ARE!!! Are you ready for My visit? I will catch you unaware. Many of you will perish very soon.

Some of you started off well with Me but you, too, have sold your souls to the papacy. (Meaning as a mother of the harlot churches.) Pastors, Preachers, Evangelicals following afterthe False Prophet, following his laws and not those I had ordained from the beginning of time, the beginning of creation.

There are very, very few that are still with Me. Very, very, very few that have never compromised to appease the masses. These I will protect if they are walking in My Will, as well as staying in My Will in their personal lives. This is not the time to walk off your posts or be swayed in a different direction. Stay close to Me as I am the way and will lead you. I will be with you instructing you. Feed My Sheep and Stay in Me.

To My children, those who go to these dens of thieves and give your hard earnedearnings to. GET OUT NOW! If you continue following them, you will end up forfeiting salvation by staying in your lukewarm apathy. If you believe the lies of these men and women who have fleeced you for years then you, too, will be thrown into depths of hell and fire. You too, children have read warnings and are refusing to “come out of her”,choosing to burn with her. There will be no excuse you can give to Me as you stand before Me and I will say “DEPART FROM ME, I NEVER KNEW YOU”!!!

Many of you refuse to give up traditions of men; your trick or treat, your false Jesus holidays. You continue to put My Son next to idols. My Son is the Light of the World and He would never compromise and place Himself amongst your idols nor would I have placed Him there. Ashtoreth, Nimrod and all the multitude of other gods you follow saying that you are following me. Children, these are not of Menor have they ever been of Me. These are all manmadetraditions that My children are NOT to follow. Stop following Rome and the ways of Rome!!!

The House of God has become a house of spiritual adultery, an adulterous house, a wicked house promoting abominations to Me. Witchcraft abounds and the Kundalini Spirit will take you down to a great fall. Deceiving spirits run these churches with lying spirits. Jezebel has taken over. I AM isabout to tear these down and will you go down with her or will you come out of her and repent before Me? The choiceis yours.

Where is sin being preached in these houses? Where is the true cry of a person’s heart in mourning; where is the contrite heart? Where is the holiness? Where is the true worship and praise unlike your circus acts? Where is the humble man, womanand child? I see proud, arrogant, boisterous men and women saying God wants me happy, He must bless me, He must prosper me, He is here to do my will. Where is the one crying out in the wilderness “prepare ye the way of the Lord”? Where is My Spirit in you? My Spirit is NOT in you if you are continuing in willful sin and living against My commands. Be ye Holy for I am Holy is a thing of the past. Let us live in the “NEW AGE”.Let us live as we wish, loving our sins. Yes children, go right ahead, live as you wish, live in your filth and you will perish in all your sins.

Garments that are filthy do NOT enter My Kingdom. Washed in the bloodmeans you must separate yourselves from the filth you are in. Yes, you are filthy before My eyesyet you think you are clean. You must be continually washed by My blood. Only your past sins have been forgiven you. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob that sanctifies you. This is a daily walk. You have made it a “one time” event.

Those who walk with Me know this difficult road. They are not lazy. They come before Me, seeking My Face, asking to be cleansed daily, reading My Word, worshippingand praising Me. They know only I can purge and purify, only I can heal their broken heart, only I can restore them to wholeness. It takes a lifetime of devotion to Me, a commitment to follow Me no matter what the cost. Narrow is the way that leads to everlasting life and these I will lead home. Much joy awaits those who gave up everything for Me for they will reign with Me forever. These are My childrenand I am their God.

You cannot be lukewarm and expect any heavenly rewards. Does My Word not say I’drather you be hot or cold than lukewarm for these I will spew out of My mouth like vomit? You make NO effort to change, to seek, to have a true relationship with Me. You live to please your friends and Pastors, Preachers. Where is this life devoted to Me?

Yes, I will hold all you Pastors, Preachers, Evangelists, Teachers that have fed My Sheep this compromised word, guilty. Every soul that goes to hell will be on your head. You, too, will burn!

Now children, you are also held responsible for everyone that you have brought to these vultures, saying they are true men and women of God. Come, hear this wonderful lukewarm gospel. It will make us happy. You were to open the Bible, to seek Me, to learn. Instead, you believed every lie of prosperity, of there is no sin in us now, of as long as we are good people we will go to heaven, of there is no hell, of every lie that there is no need to fear Me, of every lie that I AM has only one side–love and that I am not a just God; a God of judgment.

I say to all “GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT”! You are all in danger of hellfire. No more watered down preachy preach gospel to make you feel good. My Word was not to make you feel good. It was to teach you who I am and to keep you on the righteous path. Blessed arethose who hunger and thirst for My true Word. I was there at creation,I am your Creator. All those in ancient days knew to follow and obey Me. Those that decided later to go their own way perished and burn to this day. Obedience is NOT a suggestion but a requirement. Obey My commands and live; disobey and perish!

It is time to purge these houses of filth, of liars, of thieves, of abominations, of wickedness, of adulterers. Be ye ready for I am coming with a fury against you. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Your kingdoms you built up for yourselves are about to fall; your bare nakedness for all to see. All will see I have been weighing all My houses and most of you have been found wanting. The scales tipped against you.

This year is the year of changes, destruction, the year of sorrows along with nextyear. Purging will continue until I take out the evil, the garbage. You will see many fallas I clean house!

Repent I say for your days are numbered and coming to a close!


(Given to Ms. Sophie on 5/27/2018)

Ezekiel 34:1-10 KJV (Where it says Israel, put America) 34 The word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy, and say to them—to the shepherds: ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: Woe to the shepherds of Israel (America) who have been feeding themselves! Should not shepherdsfeed the flock? 3 You eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, you slaughter the choice animals, but you do not feed the sheep! 4 You have not strengthened the weak, healed the sick, bandaged the injured, brought back the strays, or sought the lost, but with force and harshness you have ruled over them. 5 They were scattered because they had no shepherd, and they became food for every wild beast. 6 My sheep wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. My sheep were scattered over the entire face of the earth with no one looking or searching for them.

7 “‘Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: 8 As surely as I live, declares the sovereign Lord, my sheep have become prey and have become food for all the wild beasts. There was no shepherd, and my shepherds did not search for my flock, but fed themselves and did not feed my sheep, 9 Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: 10 This is what the sovereign Lord says: Look, I am against the shepherds, and I will demand my sheep from their hand. I will no longer let them be shepherds; the shepherds will not feed themselves anymore. I will rescue my sheep from their mouth, so that they will no longer be food for them.

Matthew 7:15-18 15Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bringforth good fruit.

Matthew 21:13 And said unto them, Itis written, Myhouse shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.

Jude 1:22-23, 22 And onsome have compassion, making a difference: 23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

2 Corinthians 6:16-18, 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 18 And I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

Revelation 18:4 4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Comeout of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

1 John 2:3 And hereby we do know that we know him, ifwe keep his commandments.

John 15:10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’scommandments, andabide in his love.

Proverbs 7:1-3, 1 My son, keep my wordsand treasure my commandments within you. 2 Keep my commandments and live, and my teaching as the apple of your eye. 3 Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.

Kicking The Can Dream

Dana Coverstone 2-23-2024 (David’s notes in red)

When I had this dream, it had a sense of finality. (The wilderness tribulation is about to start because of these judgments.) This dream lasted over a two-month time periodand the pieces were not always necessarily in sequence, but they fit together during the week of February 11th.

I was walking down the road where I grew up as a kid. I walked off my porch and I grabbed a steel can which was like a vegetable canand it appeared to bea spinach canfrom the 1960s because it had a paper wrapper around it; it wasn'tglued or painted on. It reminded me of an old 60’s style can and it had a picture of spinachon it. (The cartoon character, Popeye the Sailorman ate spinach from a can like this making his naturally skinny body beef up with huge muscles making him strong to fight the bullies.If we Christians would eat the food of the Word which is healthy for eternal Lifewe would bear the fruit of Christ.)

SoI started walking down the road in the town where I grew up in Jason, Indiana on South Meridian St. From where I lived, I could look a mile and 2/10 up the road at night and see the stoplight. I'mwalking towards that stoplight kicking the can down the road.

Over the distance that I was kicking the can, I was getting older. (Kicking the can down the road representsputting off things we should do today into the future.)I was probably abouteight or nine years old in the beginning walking down the road. As I walked, I was growing and getting older. I was getting older and grayer and losing hair. (We are running out of time to partake of the spinach of the Word. You can’t save up the manna for another day.)

I kicked the can down the road as far as I couldand I reached the end of the road. I was standing facing an obvious drop off. There was nowhere further I could go and there was like a cliff and I could see the other side. (I.e.time is up; make your choice to become a disciple of Christ or else…)

Now the man that I see in my dreams was standing with His back towards me. (Jesus?) And He turned and faced me, and He gently tapped His shepherd staff onto the right side of His head. And then He pointed at me. (I.e., Pay attention! Judgment is coming! Get on the rightside in your mind, repent.)

Next, I was in my car about to cross the Cumberland River on Highway 90 here in Burkesville, KY. As I cleared the bridge and headed into town, I saw this swarm,of what appeared to be locusts. (The northern army of Joel 2 was likened to a cloud of locusts devouring the crops that representedGod’s apostate people. This happened until they reached the righteous Bride, Jerusalem, and then God judged them killing 185,000 of the Assyrian army’s mighty men in that night. This attack on the Bride city was preceded by an earthquake in verse 10 and when the army was smitten God brought the latter rain revival. According to Ecc 1:9 history must repeat.)

They came up and hit my car as I slowed to a stopand they smeared my car with their wings(Their broken wings representtheir inability to continue their evil works. They were smitten in Joel 2.) and their blood(their own blood). After they had passed by, I pulled over and got out of my car and surveyed the mess. I opened upmy trunk and it was full of boxes of rags.

And what'ssignificant about this is a couple monthsago, a guy visited my church on Sunday morning from Missouri and he had printed some shop rags for the ministry he was doing. He told me that his trunk was full of boxes of rags. SoI said, “OK, God, there's something about these rags I need to pay attention to.”

I began to wipe the mess off ofmy car with these clean rags and then I did something I would never do in the natural; I threw the rags on the ground. I'dused fiveof them. (Five represents Grace and it will wipe them out.) And then I continued to drive through the center of town when I saw another swarm, but this swarm was bats. (Bats are clothed in black representing their dark works. These arethe leftist anarchists, Islamists, Chinese, Mexicans, etc., who fight for the DS and live in darkness and have no eyes to see.) I stopped my car again and I felt the batsh*t my car with intent, to the point that the windows were cracking where they hit. They were denting the wipers and my hood and after a few minutes, that swarm of bats flew off.

I got out of my car and realized that my car was not the only thing damaged. Buildings had broken windows and there were dead batson the ground. (Anarchists love to break glass and the Alliance is expecting them believes their military will take them down.) The blood of the bats and their body parts were strung over the streetsand on the vehicles and people were coming out of businesses and looking aroundand trying to figure out what they’djust seen and what had just happened.

I opened my trunk, grabbed a handful of rags, and began wiping the windows down so that I could see. It took me much longer to wipe off this mess and I used 10 of these rags and once again after I wiped the car, I would just throw them on the ground. I left them on the ground. (The blood of the unclean and defiled is on them. Ten is the number of lawwhich they broke.)I inventoried the remaining boxes in the trunk. I was making note of it so if anythingelse happens, I'vegot rags and it seemed that therewere at least 100 rags left in my trunk. (100% representsthe fullness of ability to wipe them out.)

I got back into the car and headed down the road. I approached the stoplight, just like here at Brooksville. It was red and I stopped. I could see a much larger and more sinister cloudor swarm of something headed my way. It covered the entire skyand it was headed towards me at a high rate of speed. I turned my car around quickly; I did a donut, turning my wheel and headed back towards my house going at a high rate of speed but I could see the swarm following me and getting closer as I went.

I finally got to my houseand I ran inside and just as I shut the door, I could hear banging like something was hitting the door from outside. And the wind began to howl. It picked up to the point it was making the house shake and move.

Then the next thing I saw was I was walking down a big city street and the few people that were out there were standing right next to the buildings and looking up in absolute fear. They were hiding underneath the awnings and looking up into the sky. And I could not see anything in the dark skybut I definitely sensedthere was something up there and it was ominous in that regard. I watched as people took off running and I took off running too and I kept looking up as I ran.

I suddenly saw three large red dragonsand they swooped down holding some kind of fabric in their talons. (It is a “fabrication”. Satan is in the body of the 7-headed, 10-horned Red Dragon in Rev 12. He is “the deceiver of the whole world”.The 3 sects of them are part of the corporate body of deceivers in the mainstream media.) All three of them approached the people who were runningand they threw the fabricover them. (The fabric representsdeception they are using to veil the eyes of the people. This could well be the MSM twisting everything in the DS’s favor.2Co 4:3-4 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled in them that perish: 4 in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not dawn upon them.)

Soall three dragons by themselves were throwing fabric on these people and onto me, it looked like the fabric was alive; it had energy and it wasmoving. And when they dropped the fabric on these people it seemed to tiethem to the ground, and I watched as about 10 more people were tied to the ground the same way. (The people are being bound by the satanists lies through the MSM and falling under the curse on this world through loss of faith and unbelief. They become earthly and have no heavenly power through fear.)

And then looking up I saw that there were more red dragons huddled together in the skies as if literally theywere conversing. (The media’s operation mockingbird gives them total agreement because they are ruled by the CIA.) They flapped their wings rapidly and aggressively and one was directing their attention to the Earth. (Only when our eyes are on the Heavenly Savior do we have power to dwell in heavenly places IN Christ.)

I reached into my pocketand I grabbed a bottle of oil(Representing the Holy Spirit anointing, whichreveals all Truth and destroys lies.)and I ran to the people that had been tied down and I poured oil on the fabric the dragons had dropped onto the people. The fabric began to move like it was in pain. It was writhing, it was moving and shifting, and it started to let the people go and it flew off ofthem, literally. The fabric didn'thave wings, but it just kind of flewoff ofthem like it had been rebuked. (Being set free from bondage to demon spirits that use fear and anxiety.)

And then I ran from person to person, pouring the oil on the people who were still held down. (The anointing of the Holy Spirit Gospels will set the captives free.) The dragons in the sky all screamed; they hissed mercilessly and then they headed back to the area. The people scattered; they ran and opened doors into some of the buildings and people were breaking windows to get into businesses to stay safe from these dragons.

At this point though, the dragons turned into military style aircraftand I saw them fly, one over the West Coast, one over the Midwest, and one flew over the East Coast. (The fault lines that will let go.) All three dragons dropped what appeared to be missiles. They looked like missilesto me being dropped from military aircraftheading towards the ground. (Missiles are not dropped. This is ground penetrating bombs that are shaped like missiles that go off deep underground like they have used in our fault line east of us according to witnesses. Two of our UBM people lived above the faultine in the valley and saw them bombing down the line with penetrating bombs and coming back afterwards in helicopters to check their work probably with GPS to see how much movement there was. The DS Dragons military haveprepared the domino effect of earthquakes in fault zones in these three exact places as we just shared in this seriesbut I doubt Dana knew of these revelations: Great Earthquakes & Tsunamis. They landed with a hard impact and a boom. But they did not explode in the places where they were dropped. (Because they explode deep underground to move faults.) Soit was almost likean impact tremorfrom when these things hit the ground and it was harsh and it was firm. (These harsh tremors will literally tearthe country apart.)They did not explode. (Above ground but the boom was heard.)

And then I saw crops begin to die in the Midwest and I saw farmland for sale at less than $100 per acre. (Bill Gates, or his actor, bought up this farmland to starve the people but I believe his ill-gotten gain will be given back to farmers by executive orders.)I saw people leaving their homes in the West with suitcases in hand and they were walking towards retail businesses like Walmart stores or box stores (They are closing Walmart stores in record numbers now, likely in preparation.) that had been converted into apartments that were not very largeat all. The people were being served food bags when they walked in, and they were given directions where to go. And after the thousands of people were in these buildings, an alarm soundedand an electric fence came up from the ground and it surrounded the facility. (Another FEMA trap to depopulate during martial law, stay home and pray.)

The one stark thing that stands out that I saw in the dream was that the security and the leaders were all on the outside of the facility and now they were heavily armedand they had not been that way when the people were going into the building.

On the East Coast I saw a museum and it was a Museum of Fiat Currency from around the world, highlighting that the dollar was gone. (It is digital currency that is taking over. And a new dollar backed by gold and preciousmetals is coming.) Wall Street was totally emptyand the starting bell which is always hit that triggered when the markets open, looked like it was part of a statue, but it really was more like on a pole. The bell was on this poleand it was up high enough that no one was ever going to be able to reach the bell at the top to hit it. (There will be no stock market.)

But this square where this bell was on top of that pole or statue was littered with trash and there were people sleeping on the streets. Burn barrels were keeping people warm and they were burning boxes of American flags. (People will turn against the God and country folks with the help of the MSM.) They were throwing those boxes into the fireand they were shaking their fists in the air. (Angry at God which justifies His actions) They were also thanking the dragons for exposing the true nature of America.

I saw the dragons were flying over their respective areas, the West, Midwestand the East, and they were watching closely. (As we have seen, they are expecting those earthquakes in those exact areas to depopulate and distract from their evils.)

Then I was back at the end of the road with the man standing right next to the cliff. He told me to kick the can as hard as I could. I took a few steps back and He faced me with His hands in the air like a referee does signaling a touchdown.The man’s arms went straight up like field goal poles, making a goal for me to kick the can over.

(According to this we have won before we started for Christ won against the curse on us by grace at the cross. This is just likemy revelation of the impossible pass of grace to make a touchdown. Not knowing of this revelation, a few days agoI had a vivid dream that finished with an open vision. In the dream I saw a quarterback on one side of the football field. He was way toofar from the end zonebut the clock was running downand they were about to lose the game. In the end zonewas a receiver who saw this as hopeless and put his hands over his face and was shaking his head because it was impossible for the ball to reach him.

The quarterback reared back and let go with what people use to call a “hail Mary” pass. This is where I woke up and the dream turned into an open vision. I saw the ball land on the back of the receiver’s hands and stick there. The receiver looked over his hands at the ball with a wide-eyed look of shock. Sothey won an impossible win. The first thing that came to me was, that was total grace, unmerited favor, and they wouldn’thave won any other way. The back of the hands is not where you do your worksand who can catch a ball there?)

Back to Dana’s revelation:SoI took a few steps back and I ran towards the canand I kicked it. It soared right between His arms. He just watched the can go through His hands and then turned as it went over the cliff. (Oh,oh, is grace lost? Let’s see.)

I walked up beside Himand I realized that the cliff had no bottom to it and the can was still dropping into the darkness. He just watched it continue to fall.(This crevasse is how the New Madrid fault opened up a major gap in the earth making what looked like two separate countries. Grace appeared to be lost but this is the time of the Man-child reformers appearance with great grace.)

And then He spoke, and He said this: “The world is at the end of the road as they know it and the reality they deny (The true Gospel) is going to hit the bottom hardand shock those that don'tknow. You, who are witnessesof mine, have but momentsbecause the can has no more road to be kicked down.” (It’snow! We cannot kick it into the future, the Gospel must go out into the darkness this time. The Man-childs of our day will begin the revival of the latter rain as Jesus, the Man-child, did the former rain.)

“Focus and reach and lean on My Spirit. Stay filled with the fire and Know My word and fortify yourself with it and in it.”

“The sky is falling, but you must help catch those who are falling with it. I am coming quickly, so stay on the road and bring others with you.”

I suddenly heard the can hit the bottom; the sky went dark, and clouds rolled inand thunder started rolling up from where the can had gone over the cliff. (earthquake) I'mseeing all the thingsin the airbut the thunder was coming up from where the can had gone over the cliff. (This crevasse is like the ones the earthquake made at the New Madrid.)

And then a huge lightning strike revealed the landscape with fields of harvest. (This huge lightning strike could come from the flyby of Planet X, a major cause of the quakes. After the judgmentsthe greatest harvest of souls will come when the Man-child ministry is anointed.) And I saw parked tractors and parked combines and I yelled out that I need some help over here, because those fields of harvest weren'tgoing to be taken care of with parked tractors and combines. And I yelled out, “I need some help over here.” And I saw people, one by one, begin to come and that'swhen I woke up. (When Jesus the Man-child came the revival harvest began and so it will be this time.)

Great Earthquakes and Tsunamis (3) - David Eells - UBBS 2.28.2024 | UBM Unleavened Bread Ministries (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

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Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.