Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (2024)

Road Map

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- Estimated achievement difficulty:4/10 [Achievement Difficulty Rating]
- Offline:88 [1000Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (1)]
- Approximate amount of time to 1000Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (2):100+ Hours [Estimated Time to 100%]
- Minimum number of playthroughs needed:2
- Missable achievements:Lone Traveler (50G), Fleetfoot (50G), Treasure Hunter (25G), Strategist (25G), Eagle-Eyed (25G), Collector (25G)
- Does difficulty affect achievements:N/A
- Unobtainable/glitched achievements:No

For questions, comments or feedback, pleasevisit theAchievements and Guide Discussion thread.

Eight travelers. Eight adventures. Eight roles to play. Embark on an epic journey across the vast and wondrous world of Orsterra and discover the captivating stories of each of the eight travelers.

Step 1: 100% Run

In this step, we will be starting the game and recruiting all of the characters while completing 100% of everything possible: collect every treasure chest and hidden item, find every enemy weakness, unlock every skill, master every job, etc. I found this walkthrough to be extremely helpful during this process. I also printed out the chapter-by-chapter portion of this guide which lists all the missable items. Furthermore, I used this google spreadsheet to track my progress. You'll have to make a personal copy in your google drive to be able to actually use it. It's important to track this stuff on your own because the game offers NO tracking for anything in-game. It can be a nightmare later on figuring out what you're missing for an achievement if you don't track it along the way. I spent four hours going back over every location to find three treasure chests, time I could have saved if I properly tracked from the beginning.

Essentially, this is what I would suggest you do, with missables marked in red.

Chapter 1

  • Pick a starting character. Cyrus is a good choice since he has the Analyze ability to quickly begin working on enemy weaknesses. I chose Ophelia though and then went clockwise around the lake to recruit all the characters (Cyrus being second), as this is also the order the walkthrough I linked above did it.
  • Recruit two more characters and complete Chapter 1 of each, while also exploring their starting areas.Make sure you fully analyze the Meep (Flatlands) and Cactus Roller (Sunlands) enemies at this time, BEFORE recruting a fourth character.
  • After recruiting Alfyn, get the hidden item from Meryl before doing her side-quest andget the hidden item from Zeph before finishing all Chapter 1 quests.
  • Bring Cyrus along when recruiting H'aanit, and get the hidden item fromLord Ciaran's Herald before finishing the Chapter.
  • Finishrecruiting all characters and explore all starting areas.

Chapter 2

  • Complete five Chapter 2 stories. Before completing a 6th Chapter 2 story, fully analyzeSea Birdian 4 and Buccaneer 1weaknesses in the Coastlands.

Chapter 3

  • During Cyrus' Chapter 3 story, get the treasure chest when you are in the pit.
  • During Olberic's Chapter 3 story, get the hidden item from Bale in Wellspring.
  • During Primrose's Chapter 3 story, steal the "Obsidian Garb" item from the chapter boss.

Chapter 4

  • In Duskbarrow, get the hidden item fromCrest-bearing Swindler before fighting him.
  • During Cyrus' Chapter 4 story, scrutinize "From the Far Reaches of Hell" LAST to get the "Original Tome" item.


  • When doing Ariana's quest inStillsnow, get the hidden item from the Traveler NPC in Trail to the Whitewood.

If you are diligent in not missing those few things (four enemies for Strategist, one chest for Treasure Hunter, two items for Collector, and six hidden items for Eagle-Eyed), you should be home free. From there, use the resources I linked above to clear out every town, area, and dungeon to collect everything possible, complete all quests, and fully analyze every enemy. Along the way, continue to max out the jobs and learn all skills.

I personally used the team of Ophelia, Cyrus, Therion, and Olberic for most content. You can mix and match as you'd like, but the four I used and the backup four all have similar Path abilities (Ophelia Guide = Primrose Allure, etc), so you'd want a straight swap rather than having two people with the same ability in the party or you may not be able to do everything needed. However, Therion over Tressa was essential since he's the only one who could open locked chests, and stealing items versus purchasing them was much better in my opinion (though you'll be swimming in money at the end of the game, so anything with a low steal chance, just swap her in and purchase it later).

When thinking about secondary jobs, you can get things that complement the main job or diversify to cover more options. For instance, since I didn't have Tressa on my main team, having someone with the Merchant job was helpful for wind magic and her ability to hire help in combat. Once you get the hidden jobs though, those tend to be better than anything else available.

Step 2: Post-Game Cleanup
After completing all the inidivudal stories, you'll need to finish up every side-quest which includes tackling the end-game dungeon in the Ruins of Hornburg as well as the superboss Galdera. One thing the Neoseeker guide I linked above didn't mention which makes defeating this superboss SO much easier I have mentioned in the accompanying achievement description below. I tried and failed many times on that boss even way overleveled before I added that piece to the strategy.

After defeating this boss, you should get your last item needed for the collection achievement, though there are a few rare ones you may not have come across naturally which I've mentioned below. The accessory you getfrom the superboss is actually very useful - it will turn offrandom encounters, which will make collecting any missing items or treasure chests go much more smoothly. At the end of this step, you should only have two regular achievements and the "platinum trophy" achievement left to earn.

Step 3: Solo Speed Run
It is suggested you use Tressa for this, but it's certainly possible with every character. These should be your last two achievements, so see the guide below for links to Youtube videos for every character.


Octopath Traveler is an absolutely incredible JRPG. It has all the best tropes, the Path abilities make things unique, and the combat is nearly perfect. With very few missable items, the achievements aren't entirely horrible, but you're in for the long haul time-wise. Sadly the solo/speed run achievements bring the list down a lot, not only because it forces a second playthrough, but those are some of my least favorite challenges ever. Still, can't recommend this game enough, especially if it's still on Game Pass as it was when this guide was written.

[XBA would like to thank The Pants Partyfor this Roadmap]

Show completed achievements

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There are 88 achievements with a total of 1000 points

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (4)

    A Story All Your Own


    Unlocked all achievements.

    Congrats on your Platinum Trophy!

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (5)

    Setting Out - The Kindling


    Cleared chapter 1 of Ophilia's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (6)

    Gentle Guidance


    Cleared chapter 2 of Ophilia's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (7)

    The Savior


    Cleared chapter 3 of Ophilia's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (8)

    A Hill to Remember


    Cleared chapter 4 of Ophilia's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (9)

    Setting Out - The Search for Truth


    Cleared chapter 1 of Cyrus's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (10)

    Traces of the Tome


    Cleared chapter 2 of Cyrus's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (11)

    The Demonic Headmaster


    Cleared chapter 3 of Cyrus's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (12)

    For the Future's Sake


    Cleared chapter 4 of Cyrus's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (13)

    Setting Out - In Search of Treasure


    Cleared chapter 1 of Tressa's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (14)

    The Merchants' Fair


    Cleared chapter 2 of Tressa's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (15)

    The Most Precious Treasure


    Cleared chapter 3 of Tressa's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (16)

    The Next Chapter


    Cleared chapter 4 of Tressa's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (17)

    Setting Out - Renewed Purpose


    Cleared chapter 1 of Olberic's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (18)

    Reasons for Wielding


    Cleared chapter 2 of Olberic's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (19)

    The Twin Blades of Hornburg


    Cleared chapter 3 of Olberic's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (20)

    To Protect Those in Need


    Cleared chapter 4 of Olberic's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (21)

    Setting Out - Revenge


    Cleared chapter 1 of Primrose's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (22)

    Faith Shall Be Your Shield


    Cleared chapter 2 of Primrose's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (23)

    A Familiar Place


    Cleared chapter 3 of Primrose's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (24)

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (25)

    Setting Out - Healing


    Cleared chapter 1 of Alfyn's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (26)

    The Quack


    Cleared chapter 2 of Alfyn's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (27)

    Life's Worth


    Cleared chapter 3 of Alfyn's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (28)

    His Hero's Words


    Cleared chapter 4 of Alfyn's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (29)

    Setting Out - For Master


    Cleared chapter 1 of H'aanit's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (30)

    Chasing Master's Footprints


    Cleared chapter 2 of H'aanit's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (31)

    Dragon Hunting


    Cleared chapter 3 of H'aanit's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (32)

    Master and Prentice


    Cleared chapter 4 of H'aanit's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (33)

    Setting Out - Freedom


    Cleared chapter 1 of Therion's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (34)

    Chasing the Dragonstones


    Cleared chapter 2 of Therion's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (35)



    Cleared chapter 3 of Therion's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (36)

    A Wanderer's Life


    Cleared chapter 4 of Therion's journey.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (37)

    Aelfric's Wisdom


    Obtained cleric as a secondary job.

    This job can be obtained by visiting the Shrine of the Flamebearer, located in Western Stillsnow Wilds.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (38)

    Alephan's Wisdom


    Obtained scholar as a secondary job.

    This job can be obtained by visiting the Shrine of the Sage, located in Western Noblecourt Flats.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (39)

    Bifelgan's Wisdom


    Obtained merchant as a secondary job.

    This job can be obtained by visiting the Shrine of the Trader, located in Moonstruck Coast.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (40)

    Brand's Wisdom


    Obtained warrior as a secondary job.

    This job can be obtained by visiting the Shrine of the Thunderblade, located in North Stonegard Pass.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (41)

    Sealticge's Wisdom


    Obtained dancer as a secondary job.

    This job can be obtained by visiting the Shrine of the Lady of Grace, located in Northern Wellspring Sands.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (42)

    Dohter's Wisdom


    Obtained apothecary as a secondary job.

    This job can be obtained by visiting the Shrine of the Healer, located in East Sainstbridge Traverse.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (43)

    Draefendi's Wisdom


    Obtained hunter as a secondary job.

    This job can be obtained by visiting the Shrine of the Huntress, located in East Victors Hollow Trail.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (44)

    Aeber's Wisdom


    Obtained thief as a secondary job.

    This job can be obtained by visiting the Shrine of the Prince of Thieves, located in South Quarrycrest Pass.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (45)

    Balogar's Wisdom


    Obtained runelord as a secondary job.

    This job can be obtained by visiting the Shrine of the Runeblade, located in West Everhold Pass. Unlike the basic eight starting jobs which just have a shrine that you need to interact with to obtain the job, the four advanced jobs all have a proper dungeon and superboss to defeat to unlock the job and achievement. For information on this dungeon and boss, see HERE.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (46)

    Steorra's Wisdom


    Obtained starseer as a secondary job.

    This job can be obtained by visiting the Shrine of the Starseer, located in Western Wispermill Flats.

    For information on this dungeon and boss, see HERE.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (47)

    Winnehild's Wisdom


    Obtained warmaster as a secondary job.

    This job can be obtained by visiting the Shrine of the Warbringer, located in North Riverford Traverse.

    For information on this dungeon and boss, see HERE.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (48)

    Dreisang's Wisdom


    Obtained sorcerer as a secondary job.

    This job can be obtained by visiting the Shrine of the Archmagus, located in East Duskbarrow Trail.

    For information on this dungeon and boss, see HERE.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (49)

    Aelfric's Auspices


    Mastered cleric as a secondary job.

    See Dreisang's Spell (10G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (50)

    Alephan's Enlightenment


    Mastered scholar as a secondary job.

    See Dreisang's Spell (10G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (51)

    Bifelgan's Bounty


    Mastered merchant as a secondary job.

    See Dreisang's Spell (10G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (52)

    Brand's Thunder


    Mastered warrior as a secondary job.

    See Dreisang's Spell (10G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (53)

    Sealticge's Seduction


    Mastered dancer as a secondary job.

    See Dreisang's Spell (10G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (54)

    Dohter's Charity


    Mastered apothecary as a secondary job.

    See Dreisang's Spell (10G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (55)

    Draefendi's Rage


    Mastered hunter as a secondary job.

    See Dreisang's Spell (10G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (56)

    Aeber's Reckoning


    Mastered thief as a secondary job.

    See Dreisang's Spell (10G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (57)

    Balogar's Blade


    Mastered runelord as a secondary job.

    See Dreisang's Spell (10G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (58)

    Steorra's Prophecy


    Mastered starseer as a secondary job.

    See Dreisang's Spell (10G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (59)

    Winnehild's Battle Cry


    Mastered warmaster as a secondary job.

    See Dreisang's Spell (10G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (60)

    Dreisang's Spell


    Mastered sorcerer as a secondary job.

    To master any of the jobs, you simply need to accumulate enough JP (Job Points) from battles to purchase all the skills associated with that job. The basic eight jobs require9,630 points per job to master, while the four advanced jobs require15,000 each to master.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (61)

    Lone Traveler


    Saw your journey through without aid from others.

    See Fleetfoot (50G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (62)



    Finished your journey with lightning speed.

    For this achievement, you must beat the game in under eight hours. This sounds difficult, but you only need to complete the four chapters of one specific character's journey to accomplish this. In your main playthrough, you'd be recruiting all characters and doing a ton of extra content that can be skipped here. You will want to couple this achievement with asolo run to unlock Lone Traveler (50G)at the same time. While this does make the speed run slightly more difficult, it is still entirely doable. In fact, you can complete it in about 5-6 hours fairly easily with Tressa, and each character generally has a viable option to do so as well.

    The guide found HERE will lay out how to do the solo speed run. It focuses mostly on Tressa, but does offer tips on other characters as well.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (63)



    Defeated the dark god Galdera and sealed the Gate of Finis once more.

    After completing all of the Chapter 4 stories with each character, you can take on the true final boss of the game. There are a few other requirements (namely a few side-quests which we'll be doing for another achievement anyway), so finish those up and then get ready for the final challenge of the game. Unfortunately, this requires that ALL characters be around Level 70+ which is frustrating since the majority of the game can be done with a primary group of four, simply subbing in for the required bench characters when doing their chapters. However, leveling is fairly simple while abusing the Dancer job. You can get bonuses of 2x/5x XP/JP fairly often, and if you're extremely lucky possibly even a 100x bonus. You can equip Captain's Badge and Badge of Friendship on your weaker characters to get them more XP, and have the Warbringer's passive skill to increas XP for the entire party equipped as well. See the video below for this method.

    A more brute force method to leveling is simply repeating battles in the Forest of Purgation. Use your sorcerer to one-shot all these enemies for nearly 1-1.5k XP per battle, with chances to get Cait enemies for around 3.5k XP per battle. This should be almost as fast as the above method, and stays reliable the entire time which is nice.

    Once you've gone through and leveled all your characters up, you can tackle the final dungeon. The walkthrough HEREhas a very good rundown of this boss' abilities and phases, but after many failed attempts using their strategy, I searched around for additional help and found that it is missing a key step to make the souls in Phase 1 irrelevant.You will want to capture at least two copies of the Devourer of Dreams enemy using the Hunter class in the Everhold Tunnels. You must first defeat this enemy as the mini-boss of the dungeon and then it has a low chance to show up in random encounters.The great thing about this capture is that at MAX boost in battle, it will one-hit-kill any enemy aside from a boss. This means it will wipe out all of the souls every time they are renewed, allowing you to just continually break and damage the boss! What an absolute relief it was when I did the fight this way.

    The second phase can simply be demolished with Oberic after that. You'll generally want him at 1HP and hope he doesn't act first in battle which will allow someone else to feed him a BP item, allowing him to use the Warmaster special attack. This should kill two of the three body pieces (usually the Blade survives), and your other characters can finish that off before the next turn. Continue to feed Olberic BP and after 2-3 more rounds the boss should be dead. For reference, my Olberic was Level 82 while every other character was low 70's.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (64)

    Worth the Detour


    Resolved the troubles of everyone in the realm.

    For this achievement, you must complete every side-quest in the game. These are marked by orange speech bubbles over NPCs in the world. Generally, they are quite straightforward, though a few do have two methods of solving them. A full list of every side-quest with their solutions can be found in the Neoseeker walkthrough I linked in the Road Map. None are missable, and the rewards are generally helpful, so try to complete them as you go. Your last one will unlock after beating the game, and is for defeating the superboss of the post-game dungeon.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (65)

    Master of Orsterra


    Traveled to every location on the map.

    This achievement will come naturally as you go for every other achievement. You will have to visit every optional dungeon, every section of each Chapter 1-4 areas, etc.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (66)



    Learned every skill.

    See Dreisang's Spell (10G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (67)

    Full Support


    Learned every support skill.

    See Dreisang's Spell (10G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (68)

    Treasure Hunter


    Opened every treasure chest.

    Warning: There is ONE missable chest in the game tied to this achievement. Make sure to get the chest during Cyrus Chapter 3. I would also highly, highly suggest you use the Excel sheet I linked in the Road Map directly from the start of the game. There is no way to track your progress for this in-game.

    To unlock this achievement, you will need to collect every treasure chest in the game, including all the locked purple chests that Therion can access. You may come across some of these before you recruit him, so be sure to come back when necessary. After defeating Galdera, you will acquire the Spurning Ribbon, an accessory that wards off all random encounters. If you need to find any missing chests at this point, be sure to equip that so you can simply run around freely. Even though I followed the walkthrough and excel sheet, I still somehow missed three chests that I needed to search for manually which took multiple hours, so be thorough from the start!

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (69)



    Found every hidden item.

    Warning: There are six missable items for this achievement. Be sure to take note of these listed in the Road Map.

    Hidden items in this game are acquired by first using the Scrutinize/Inquire skills with Cyrus/Alfyn on every NPC you come across. Many will have hidden info that will cause an item to appear as a sparkle somewhere nearby, usually in the open or inside a building. These will display on the mini-map as well. The Neoseeker walkthrough mentions all of the NPCs you should talk to, and make special note to highlight the missables as well.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (70)



    Discovered every enemy's weaknesses.

    Warning: There are four missable enemies for this achievement. Take note of those listed in the Road Map.

    For this achievement you must find the weakness of every repeatable enemy in the game. This means you do not need to find the weaknesses of any enemy listed as a Boss or Unique in the Excel spreadsheet. These enemies can not be encountered more than once and do not count toward the achievement. I would highly suggest continuing to fight in an area until all enemies are complete, and mark them off as you go. You'll get more experience this way too, which makes the game much easier overall.

    There are three methods to finding an enemy weakness.

    1. Have Cyrus in your party. At the beginning of every battle, he will reveal one hidden weakness from every enemy on screen.
    2. Hit an enemy with a weakness.
    3. Use the "Analyze" scholar skill.

    Once you have uncovered every weakness from all 381 available enemies (including the four missables) you will unlock the achievement. You need to make sure no enemy has a question mark (?) in one of their slots.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (71)



    Acquired every item.

    Warning: There are two items you can miss for this achievement. Take note of them in the Road Map.

    This achievement requires that you have had one copy of every item in the game in your inventory at some point. You do NOT have to have all of them at the same time. In fact, it is impossible to do so as some of the items are only given once and used as part of the story (side-quests). You will get the majority of the items by completing the rest of the achievements (quest rewards, inside chests, etc). You'll also need the accessory from Galdera. From there, make sure you purchase one of every item from every town shop, and purchase/steal every item from every NPC you can find.

    There are some unique items that can only be received by using Challenge/Provoke with Olberic/H'aanit, and some unique items that can only be received via loot or stealing during battle from specific enemies. Check this guide for a list of every item in the game, and how to obtain some of the ones you may not come across naturally.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (72)

    The Strongest Sojourner


    Dealt maximum damage.

    To deal maximum damage, you must first ensure the character you are using has the Surpassing Power skill equipped from the Warrior class. This allows you to go over 9999 damage. Next, be a very high level. If you do this after defeating Galdera, it will be extremely simple. Go back to a Level 11 danger area, outside one of the starting towns. Max out your BP with items or defending a few terms, then use a combination of strength-boosting buffs on your warrior and defense-weakning debuffs on the enemy and unleash a max level attack. This will easily do the full cap of 99999 damage and unlock the achievement.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (73)



    Obtained 80,000 leaves.

    See Millionaire (10G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (74)



    Obtained 1,000,000 leaves.

    This achievement is cumulative, but only counts money that is earned through chests and battle rewards. Selling items does not increase this count. This should come naturally as you get ready for the final end-game dungeon. Leveling every to nearly 70+ will reward you with a ton of money.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (75)

    Better Safe Than Sorry


    Fled from battle.

    You can get this as soon as the first random encounter by selecting the "Flee" option at the bottom of the battle menu. There is a chance of failing, which will cause everyone to lose a turn, but that isn't super common.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (76)

    Novice Scrapper


    Fought 10 battles.

    See Brawler (10G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (77)



    Fought 100 battles.

    See Brawler (10G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (78)



    Fought 200 battles.

    This achievement will come naturally as you play through the game.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (79)

    Ultimate Power


    Used a Lv.4 Boost for the first time in battle.

    A Level 4 boost is attained by pressingOctopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (80)three times to max out the effectiveness of an attack. You must either wait three turns in battle without spending any battle points (BP) or use items/skills to earn extra BP which you can then spend. Either way, unleashing a max skill will happen often, so this will come naturally.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (81)



    Played more than 10 hours.

    See Renowned Traveler (15G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (82)

    Seasoned Traveler


    Played more than 50 hours.

    See Renowned Traveler (15G)for more info.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (83)

    Renowned Traveler


    Played more than 100 hours.

    You will likely come close to this tally just by going for all of the achievement. If not, let the game idle in a town to make up the rest.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (84)



    Challenged every villager in Cobbleston.

    I was able to do this achievement at Level 25, after completing all Chapter 1 stories. I believe this is the earliest you can do it, as new NPCs arrive in town after Chapter 1 is complete. Using Olberic's Path ability, Challenge and defeat every villager in single combat. You can always put this off until later in the game to make it even easier if you need.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (85)

    Lead the Way


    Guided someone for the first time.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (86)

    In the Know


    Scrutinized someone for the first time.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (87)

    Bargain Hunter


    Purchased something for the first time.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (88)

    A New Challenger


    Challenged someone for the first time.

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  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (89)



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  • Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (91)



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Elden Ring
Little Kitty, Big City
Goat Simulator 3
The First Descendant
Octopath Traveler Achievement Guide & Road Map (2024)


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.