Letters to the Editor (2024)

North County Times

There are no free vegetarian lunches

Mrs. Gala Parish, (Letters, June 15) the woman from Berkeley who israising two vegans, wants the Vista Unified School District tosupply her children with veggie meals. She states that sheremembers at Berkeley when there were free veggie meals forall.

Where does she think the meals come from? Do they grow on trees(pun intended)? Somebody has to pay for them; there’s no freelunch.

I suggest she give her children a choice, you know, the freedom ofchoice: Either eat what the taxpayers provide or take a veggie boxto school which Mrs. Parish can fill with all things vegan.


Valley Center

There are no cost savings with fluoride

An article by Bette Hileman, Chemical & Engineering News, Vol.67, No. 19, May 8, 1989, says that the largest study of tooth decayin American (National Institute of Dental Research, 1987) provedthat there was no significant difference in the decay rates of39,000 fluoridated, partially fluoridated and nonfluoridatedchildren, ages 5 to 17, surveyed in that 87-city study.

The difference between fluoridated and nonfluoridated areas wasonly .6 of a tooth surface, out of 128 tooth surfaces in a child’smouth. The study cost taxpayers $3,670,000 but the media neverdisclosed these facts.

The same article revealed that a recent study by the New York StateDepartment of Health showed that after 50 years of fluoridation,Newburgh’s children have a slightly higher number of cavities thannever-fluoridated Kingston. Newburgh and Kingston, N.Y., were twoof the original fluoridation test cities.

The California fluoridation study recently done by the DentalHealth Foundation showed that California has only about a quarteras much water fluoridation as the nation as a whole, yet15-year-old California children have less tooth decay than thenational average.



Right to vote on fluoride will be lost

The Escondido City Council voted 3-2 to accept the $140,000fluoridation funding offer that states that “the funding iscontingent upon the city of Escondido’s commitment to provideoperations and maintenance costs for 100 percent of thefluoridation facilities for a minimum of 10 years, or the usefullife of the capital equipment, whichever is greater.” What lawyerwould ever recommend signing such an agreement?

Since the contract states that we will be required to pay for allmaintenance costs, how much will it cost to maintain the equipmentduring the next 10 years?

On the other hand, the basic machinery could last indefinitely.During this time we will also be forced to pay for the fluoride,which is unrefined hazardous waste straight from the fertilizerindustries, which is more toxic than lead, almost as toxic asarsenic, and contains some of both. Ask any chemist.

Today there is so much proof against fluoride that it won’t be longbefore the Escondido residents will be wanting to put a stop to it.However, once the City Council signs that contract, the people losetheir right to vote it out. Is this America?



President helps everyone but California

Well, our esteemed president thinks that California should solveour own energy problems. I must agree. However, isn’t it strangethat our president doesn’t use the same rationale when dealing withproblems in foreign countries, such as Bosnia, Korea, Middle East,Israel, Africa and numerous others? Funny, they can’t solve theirown problems. Our taxpayers’ money and troops are always needed,and provided with no dissent by our illustrious Congress.

What is noteworthy is the lack of ability of our representatives toprotect our borders. Now you know what they say about a countrythat can’t protect its own borders? What a shame.

Something to think about: Why is it that when America bankrolls acompany to relocate overseas, it’s called capitalism, but when thecountry provides assistance to its citizens, it’s calledsocialism?



George W. Bush: the fake president

I don’t like our appointed president. He’s not qualified. I don’tlike that the majority of votes in this country put the loser inpower. When I hear people say, do our will or we’ll vote you out, Idon’t think it means anything anymore. We didn’t vote the person inthe White House in.

Popular vote should rule. When the Electoral College was invented,they didn’t have computers, ATMs calculators or even ballpointpens.

Modernize the system. We don’t have a horse-and-buggy life anymore.Why keep an antiquated system for the most important office in thecountry and world?

They have lowered the bar (35 years old, a natural-born citizen);never mind the majority of the votes. I know what happened inFlorida, and so does the administration in our White House.

How can a country that loves baseball honor and respect the winnerwhen the umpire calls a foul ball a home run?

I know they say get over it. Wait four years and vote again. OK, wehave four years to fix this, so my vote and your vote will meansomething.

Gerald Ford was not elected to the office and he was humble and weall respected him for it. Mr. President, for me and the world, evenif you don’t feel it, could you just fake it?



The Confederate threat against America

When South Carolina seceded from the Union, its excuse was thatslaves are private property and non-slave states had no right tosteal their property. There was no silly states’ rights talkbecause that excuse had not yet been invented. After the Civil War,the cowardly ex-Confederates, like Jeff Davis and his fellowslave-owner buddies, decided to use the phrase we know today,states’ rights, as a diversion to hide their original intent ofdefending slavery.

In 1964, when Democrats and a few Republicans passed the CivilRights Act, segregationist Democrats from the South, such as racistposter-boy Strom Thurmond, bolted the Democratic Pary and joinedthe Republican Party. This helped tip the balance that hasgradually put extremist Republicans in power.

Today, Dubya represents the born-again Confederacy with theRepublican Party inseminated by Big Oil as surrogate parents. Sinceabject slavery is cheaper than Yankee wage slavery, you canunderstand everything if you remember that to Republicans, you area slave.

That’s why you don’t need a decent, livable wage, health care, ahome, unions, an education, clean air and water, peace, quiet,pursuit of happiness, or a livable environment – because you are aslave. Don’t forget.


Pauma Valley

Teach allegiance to all the flags of the world

Every year millions from around the world come to this country,each for different reasons, and stay different length of times.Some come to see the Grand Canyon, go to Las Vegas or attend theuniversities. At the same time, millions of Americans go to see theLeaning Tower of Pisa, Greek or Roman masterpieces, or attenduniversities in London, Berlin or Tokyo.

The subject of allegiance to a certain religion nation or flagnever should be involved. Each person has his or her own country,religion, or flag. No American has ever been asked to showallegiance to British, German or Japanese flags because he or shestudies in that country or walks in their streets.

Teach them allegiance to the national flag in elementary and highschool. They should learn to respect their flag. But in theuniversities, with students from different nations, teach themallegiance to the flag of the United Nations.

Teach them we are all citizens of this wonderful world and membersof this great human civilization. Respect for all nations andflags, with love and brotherhood.

Today, that is all important.



Who is really lying to America?

Wayne Strache (Letters, June 2) says that “the wall of separation(of church and state) phrase was coined by that infamous left-wingliar Thomas Jefferson to explain why the Danbury Baptists wereconstitutionally prohibited from implementing faith-basedlegislation.” Really?

According to my sources, in 1801 Jefferson had received a letterfrom the Danbury Baptists, who were concerned that government mighttry to regulate religious expression. Jefferson wrote back assuringthem that government would never interfere with religiousactivities because there was “a separation between church andstate.” Jefferson’s statement supported the intent of the FirstAmendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishmentof religion.

However, by 1947 Jefferson’s infamous choice of words began to betaken out of context and by 1962, in the case of Engel v. Vitale,the Supreme Court redefined the First Amendment, separatingreligion from education, thus assuring the moral decline ofAmerica.

History shows that the Constitution was written by God-fearing menwho knew that religion was the source of morality, but they alsoknew that the Constitution could only survive in a moralsociety.



Meth training can help prevent calamities

Regarding the May 31 letter, “Meth law training at Wal-Mart anasinine idea,” by Kelly Hennessy: The purpose for trainingemployees of Wal-Mart and other retail outlets is twofold: toeducate businesses on the legal purchase limits of ephedrine-basedproducts, which are key ingredients in the manufacture ofmethamphetamine; and provide a mechanism for reporting suspiciouspurchases to the Meth Hot line at (877) No-2-METH without fear ofrepercussion.

It is not designed to inconvenience someone with a case of thesniffles, as the letter implied, since a legal purchase of no morethan three packages of cold or sinus medication is usually enoughto deal with ordinary postnasal drip.

The entire community is adversely affected by methamphetamine -from unexpected explosions to neglected or abused children, totoxic chemical waste dumped without remorse down the toilet or intothe ground, to a stolen car, bus or even tank driven wildly througha local neighborhood by someone high on meth who has very littleregard for anyone else’s well-being.

It’s often the little things we can do now, such as training retailemployees to recognize when a purchase may not be what it seems,that can help prevent a calamity later on.


San Diego County Methamphetamine Strike Force

Vista Partners Project

Children see agony amid the ecstasy

On June 5 the outstanding Potter Junior High School bands andchoirs performed for their families and members of the Fallbrookcommunity.

It was one of those lovely moments in the life of our town thatmakes us proud of what our youth can accomplish. Unfortunately,while most students were inside the auditorium creating somethingbeautiful, someone was outside destroying a very preciousthing.

Recently, we added a wheelchair-accessible garden box near thelocker rooms of our campus. It was here that some of our mostseverely handicapped students learned to plant and grow vegetablesand experience the joy of gardening.

Sometime during the performance, one or more people maliciouslydamaged the plants and soil of the garden beyond repair. While thematerials can be replaced, more significant damage has been done tothe hope and happiness of these students.

Can I ask a favor of your readers? If you hear any informationpertaining to this problem, would you please call the school andreport it? I believe we can’t let such incidents deter oureagerness to help students; we just need to identify all studentsthat need our help.


Science department

Potter Junior High School


McVeigh had a point, but made it the wrong way

As usual on these occasions, viewpoints seem to polarize arounddeath penalty or no death penalty.

My personal view is that Timothy McVeigh made a political statementat Oklahoma, which by any standards was horrifically misguided withunbelievably tragic consequences. I think the government made apolitical statement in executing McVeigh, and I see both of theseactions as tragedies.

If you are able to think laterally with me for just a moment, youcould say that McVeigh had a point: terribly misguided in hisrevenge, but nevertheless, a point.

Our government at Ruby Ridge, and again at Waco, Texas, with BranchDividians, did act recklessly and take the lives of men, women andchildren that in all humanity should have been spared.

McVeigh was wrong, very wrong, and his actions cannot be describedas anything other than extremely evil.

But what if the man in the street felt that all of us, includingour leaders, were subject to the law and were seen to be punishedwhen they, under the guise of law and order, overreact with deadlyand tragic results? Might it just ease the frustration that burnsin many and just occasionally manifests itself into a McVeigh?


San Marcos

Road closures a way to force mass transit

I called Supervisor Bill Horn’s office at (800) 852-7335 and askedto be counted with those opposed to the closure of the public SanPablo Drive by a few self-interested private individuals.

According to the supervisor’s office, they will be forwarding thepublic commentary to the Traffic Advisory Committee that is underthe Department of Public Works. I encourage others to call andexpress their opposition as well.

Not knowing which way this issue will be decided over the comingmonths, I am applying for the same permit that the Lake San Marcosgroup has been granted and I encourage others to do so as well.

Please direct your correspondence/application to: Department ofPublic Works, Attention: John Snyder, 5555 Overland Ave., Building2, San Diego, CA 92123.

If the solution of our elected and appointed public officials is toignore the reality that the freeways are so overcrowded that peoplemust try to find alternate public routes, but at the same timeallow the closure of these alternate routes, then we can safelysurmise that this is the first effort in forcing mass transit downour throats.




After 10 years city of Murrieta shows maturity

Ten years ago in Murrieta, action was taken by a committee of menand women to establish plans to form a city. The community wascalled to a meeting at Murrieta Town Hall. We were all there whenJohn McElroy asked us residents if we wanted a city. The responseencouraged the committee to proceed with its plans as to how wewere going to do this. The plan was cooperation, encouragement andfinancial help to start down the road to cityhood.

The committee members donated money and time, fund-raisers wereheld and community members gave donations of cash. The finaldecision was made in the Riverside official office. We were tobecome a city. Election for our first council members and mayor wasa great day in our history.

I was there, sitting through the meetings, watching city historyform along with the rest of the Murrietans. So, Murrieta residents,this June 30, find some way to say thank you to those council folksand to the committee who are still in the community. Our firstmayor, Jerry Allen, was given a farewell party at a new schoolbuilding. His councilmen who served with him were Joe Perry, DaveHaas, Fred Weishaupl and Gary Smith.

It is overwhelming what we have accomplished. It has been a battleof minds, pro and con. So at this time, I say thanks to City ClerkKay Vinson, who has a big responsibility. Thanks to our citycommittee and first councilmen of Murrieta.

Arlean V. Garrison

Citizens for Historic Murrieta

Persecution of dog killer passes logicallimits

In the case of Andrew Burnett vs. Leo, the Bichon Frise, I sawnowhere these questions posed or answered: Isn’t there a Californialeash law for animals in cars? Was the dog riding unfettered in thepassenger seat of Ms. McBurnett’s car? Was Leo (admittedly abeautiful dog) riding perhaps in her lap? I have no sympathy forthe actions of the defendant in this case, but I see all too oftenpets jumping around in cars on the roadway, even on thefreeway.

What happened to culpability? It seems to me that Ms. McBurnettshould bear a percentage of the legal blame in this case if indeedher pet was riding unleashed. If Leo had been leashed, he would bealive today as Burnett could not have reached him, or pulled himthrough the driver’s window.

And my God, the reward for Burnett’s identity was more than formissing children in that area.

Of course I fully expect all the pet people to be up in arms overmy letter. But let them first answer the questions I posed.

Anita Williams


Bush won vote according to rules of the game

I think we need a reply to Ralph DePhillips’ letter. Our presidentwas not appointed. He won the electoral vote. Read yourConstitution. Just think, you have 3 1/2 years to moan and complainbefore you have any recourse.

George Etzel

Lake Elsinore

Freeway rules are answer to world peace

Eureka! I think that I may have solved all the problems that plaguethe human race and the woes of our planet. Rampant hunger, strifeand war, pollution, threat of nuclear holocausts even theelimination of thousands of species. All of these could beeliminated if we could just learn how to merge onto a freeway.

Webster’s defines merge as being absorbed into. What it doesn’t sayis “make drivers already on the freeway speed up or slow downbecause you can’t make up your mind.” As the merger it’s your jobto absorb into the freeway. Adjust your speed so that the mergeesdon’t have to guess what you’re thinking.

Remember people, the future of our planet rests firmly on yourshoulders. Learn to merge and make a better future for ourgrandchildren.

Tony Harris


Address listings sometimes miss line of sight

Being a relative newcomer to this wonder area, one must look forbusiness and professional establishments to accommodate everydayliving needs. We have experienced finding many buildings that donot show addresses shown on them.

Isn’t there an existing mandated regulation that addresses be shownon businesses for the convenience of persons (and city departments)trying to locate a merchant’s or service location? Many times wemust drive a considerable distance to find one building with anaddress shown.

Anthony Mascitti



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Letters to the Editor (2024)


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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.